Kiwanis International will celebrate its annual conventions in Hawaii and Rome in 2005 and 2006, respectively. And it's not too early to start planning. InConTra travel agency offers a deal worth pursuing. By registering now for both conventions, you will receive one free basic travel package. If you are traveling to Hawaii and Italy as a couple, the equivalent of one Rome Bronze basic package ($1,945 less the $150 Kiwanis International registration fee) will be deducted from your final Rome invoice. If traveling individually, you will receive a discount of $823 from your final Rome invoice. This offer expires September 30, 2003. The following guidelines apply:
Sign up for
both packages using the official
reservation/registration forms.
· Submit the completed forms and $1,000 deposit per couple ($500 per individual). This offer is only valid when registering for both conventions at the same time. These can be mailed to:
INCONTRA, Inc. · InConTra must receive reservation/registration forms no later than September 30, 2003. · If you register for both conventions and need to cancel the Hawaii package, there will be no discount if you attend the Rome convention. However, your Rome prices will be guaranteed. · This offer is nontransferable. · Government-imposed air-related taxes, fees, and security charges are not included in the discount and must be paid by each traveler. · Credit card deposit and/or payments are not accepted (check or money order only). · Full refund of deposits will be granted if InConTra receives written notice of cancellation before January 31, 2004, for Hawaii and before October 31, 2005, for Rome. For more information, contact InConTra at 1-800-338-7673 or by e-mail at incontra@aol.com.